:) Full talk-time on Rs.220, Rs.2000, Rs.2200, Rs.2500 & Rs.3000. Extra talk-time on Rs.550 (talktime-575), Rs. 1100 (talktime-1200) , Rs.3300 (talktime-3500) & Rs.5500 (talktime - 6000)

Revised Unlimited Voice STVs, New STV-121 and [email protected]/2sec

Tuesday 18 June 2013

BSNL AP circle revised the tariff and validity of some of the voice special tariff vouchers w.e.f 18-06-13. STV-43 tariff is revised to 1.2paise/2sec from current 1paise/2sec. 

STV-121 is introduced with 1800 Min local/STD onnet night(11pm-6am) calls with 30 days validity.

Existing and Revised Tariff Details:

STVExisting TariffValidity Revised Tariff Validity
STV-43Local any net call @ 1paise/2sec30Local any net call @ 1.2paise/2sec30
STV-34Unlimited Local/STD on net180 Min Local/STD Any-net1
STV-164Unlimited Local/STD on net7Unlimited Local/STD on net6
STV-344Unlimited Local on net30Unlimited Local on net27
STV-574Unlimited Local/STD on net30Unlimited Local On-net call and 500 Min free Local/STD calls Any-net27
STV-894Unlimited Local on net90Unlimited Local on net81
STV-1494Unlimited Local/STD on net90Unlimited Local On-net call and 1500 Min free Local/STD calls Any-net 81

TRAI New Guidelines on Roaming Tariff from 1st July-13

TRAI has reduced ceilings for calls and SMS tariff in roaming, to be implemented w.e.f 1-07-13 by all operators across the country. TRAI has decided that STVs and combo vouchers which were allowed till now only for home circle  can be permitted for roaming also. TRAI also mandated two types of free national roaming plans to be provided by all operators.

Revised and existing ceilings for voice and SMS:

Tariff Existing Ceiling(Rs) Revised Ceiling(Rs)
Local call1.40/Min1.0/Min
STD call2.40/Min1.50/Min
Incoming call1.75/Min0.75/Min
Outogoing local SMSno ceiling1.0
Outogoing STD SMSno ceiling1.50
Incoming SMSFreeFree

When compared with Nestham roaming tariff, only incoming call rate(Re1/Min) is higher than the, to be revised incoming call rate(75ps/Min). So AP BSNL customers will get benefit only in incoming call rates by 25ps/Min while in roaming from 1st July.

Loyalty Reward Point Scheme For AP BSNL Landline/Broadband Customers

Saturday 15 June 2013

BSNL's Loyalty Reward Point Scheme is a innovative reward program through which loyal customers get reward points when customer uses BSNL Land line and Broadband services.

BSNL introduced this scheme after withdrawing 1% discount scheme for Landline/BB customers, who pay their bills by online/ECS.


Individual BSNL customers who are availing landline and broadband service are eligible to earn reward points. The Loyalty Reward Point scheme benefit is extended to the LL and BB customers whose monthly bill amount is Rs. 400 and above or Bi-Monthly amount is above Rs.800 and above.

However ISDN PRI/Franchisee/EPBX/PCO/VPT/CSC/Service Connections for serving/retired employee of central Govt/ state Govt PSUs etc. entitled for 20% discount on FMC/usage under broadband plan, Electronic stapling enrolled accounts including their child accounts, 20% scheme enrolled customers, Annual, Bi-annual and Tri-annual Customers who are availing concession or discount are not eligible.ServiceServiceService

Reward Points:

One loyalty reward point for every Rs.50 for invoice paid within pay-by-date is granted. Reward points earned can be redeemed in terms as Free Metered Call Units (MCUs) for making free call on BSNL "On Net" calls.

Redemption Rules:

  1. Customer can redeem Loyalty points after 180 days from the date of earning loyalty point first time.
  2. Redemption will be in terms of Free MCUs ie one point is equivalent to one free MCU which will be adjusted for calls made by customers on BSNL network (On-net calls) only.
  3. Redemption can be done in block of minimum 25 points and maximum 500 points (multiple of 25 points).
  4. There should not be any Outstanding amount payable to BSNL at the time of redemption of loyalty points.
  5. Loyalty scheme is effective from 1st April 2013 and reward points are being granted to eligible customers starting for the invoices generated for the usage from 1st April 2013 onwards.

How to Redeem:

  1. Customer can log in to web self care portal and place their a request for redemption of loyalty points through http://selfcare.sdc.bsnl.co.in
  2. Customer can approach Customer Service Center and give redemption request.
  3. Customer can approach BSNL Call Center by dialing 1500 and give redemption request.

AP BSNL Postpaid CUG Tariff

Friday 14 June 2013

Closed User Group service is available for postpaid customers also in AP BSNL circle. In addition to the local CUG service, BSNL is providing National CUG facility in postpaid plans, so you can form a CUG of numbers from different BSNL circles.

I) Local Closed User Group Tariff
Group Size: Plan-99 Plan-175 Plan-225 Plan-325 Plan-525 Plan-725 Plan 1500
up-to 25 80 80 70 50 0 NA NA
26-249 60 60 50 30 0 NA NA
250-599 40 40 30 10 0 NA NA
600-999 20 20 10 0 0 NA NA
>999 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA

II) Zonal/National CUG Tariff
Group Size: Plan-99 Plan-175 Plan-225 Plan-325 Plan-525 Plan-725 Plan 1500
up-to 25 180 180 170 150 100 80 NA
26-249 160 160 150 130 80 60 NA
250-599 140 140 130 110 60 40 NA
600-999 120 120 110 90 40 20 NA
>999 100 100 100 70 20 0 NA


  1. Service tax as applicable will be charged extra.                          
  2. The Fixed Monthly CUG charges mentioned above is in addition to the normal Fixed Monthly Charges of the postpaid plan.                         
  3. The call charges within the CUG group is “free” and charges outside CUG group are as per respective tariff plan.                         
  4. The CUG number can be of from BSNL 2G or 3G mobile numbers and there is no restriction on the mix of plan for formation of CUG group.                   
  5. National CUG tariff is applicable where it is technically feasible
  6. The above Fixed Monthly CUG charge is applicable to voice calls within CUG. SMS, Video calls and other charges will be as per normal tariff.                         

BSNL Prepaid Closed User Group Tariff in AP

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Closed user group or CUG service allows mobile subscribers to make unlimited voice calls within the group for a fixed monthly rent.

BSNL is providing CUG services in Andhra Pradesh circle for a group of three or more local prepaid customers.

Closed User Group Tariff Details:

  1. If group size is between 3 to 25 members, Rs.80 is deducted per month from each member in the group.
  2. If group size is more than 25, Rs.60 is deducted per month from each member in the group.
  3. All CUG members should be in same prepaid plan.
  4. Monthly charges will be automatically deducted from each members balance.
  5. Only voice calls within the group will be free. SMS and other tariff will be according to the plan tariff. Calls among members are not free in roaming.